Photo Gallery (Collections)
Holy Week and Pascha 2013: Saint Vasilios Church Peabody, MA
The Easter church services were more somber than most years in New England following the Marathon bombing in Boston. As an expression of that compassion for those who died or were injured, St. Vasilios of Peabody asked parishioners to refrain from any fireworks displays following the Resurrection Service. A silent procession of believers exited the Church in deep meditation. In that same spirit young and old came together for Holy week to assist in the preparation of their church drawn to Christ during these troubling times, remembering the Paschal Troparion: "Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs, Bestowing life!
Stephen Kalivas
Saint Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church
Visit for more Holy Week and Pascha photos and video
Stephen Kalivas
Saint Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church
Visit for more Holy Week and Pascha photos and video
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Saint Vasilios Church Peabody, MA
Palm Crosses folded by our parishioners, both young and old. These Crosses were were distributed following the Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy.