Photo Gallery (Collections)
Holy Week and Pascha 2014: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Lewiston, ME
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Lewiston Maine was founded in 1910. She has had a very long and adaptive history in Central Maine. In the past 12 years, the Church has had a growing convert population and together with its Greek and Pan-Orthodox community, it has fueled the parish’s growth to more than 140 families today. This year, we have been so blessed to have the highest attended Holy Week in recent memory. Many new families witnessed the beauty and the glory of Christ's Passion and Resurrection this year and have been touched by His presence to begin their journey to Orthodoxy.
Rev. Fr. Theodore Toppses
155 Hogan Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 783-6795
For more on our parish life please visit us at:
Rev. Fr. Theodore Toppses
155 Hogan Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 783-6795
For more on our parish life please visit us at: